(a)  "Point of delivery" and other terms related thereto are defined as follows:

(1)           Consumer's Premises.  A "consumer's premises" is any publicly or privately owned building, structure, land or facility to which electric energy is being furnished.

(2)           Consumer's Wiring.  A "consumer's wiring" is the portion of a wiring system that is located at or on the consumer's premises and for which the consumer has full responsibility for ownership, operation and maintenance.  This wiring is considered to be beyond the point of delivery.

(3)           Electric Power Supplier.  An "electric power supplier" is a public utility company, a private utility company, an electric membership co‑op, a municipal utility or any other entity that furnishes electric energy for private or public use.

(4)           Electric Power Supplier's Wiring.  An "electric power supplier's wiring" is the portion of a wiring system that is located either off, at, or on the consumer's premises and for which the electric supplier has full responsibility for ownership, operation and maintenance.  This wiring is considered to be ahead of the point of delivery.

(5)           Point of Delivery.  The "point of delivery," as used in G.S. 87‑43.1(1), is the point where an electric power supplier's wiring terminates in the supplier's delivery of electrical energy to a consumer's wiring at or on the consumer's premises.

(6)           Service Point.  The "service point" in a wiring system, defined in the National Electrical Code as the point of connection between the facilities of the serving utility and the premises wiring, is construed to be the same as the point of delivery.

(b)  Special Conditions.  Where conditions of service or other circumstances require that a portion of an electric power supplier's owned, operated and maintained equipment, such as metering and load control equipment, be installed within the consumer's wiring, such installation shall be construed to be beyond the point of delivery, and the installation of such equipment is required to be made by a licensee of the Board.  This provision does not prohibit an electric power supplier from installing its metering and load control equipment in the enclosures for such equipment or removing same from such enclosures.

(c)  Rulings.  Where conditions of service or other circumstances are such that the definition of point of delivery and the related terms in this Rule are not strictly applicable, either in whole or in part, a special limited ruling will be issued by the Board on request of any part of interest.

(d)  Illustration.  The point of delivery and service point in a wiring system and the application of the North Carolina Electrical Contracting Licensing Act are further defined in the following illustration:



G.S. CH. 87, ART. 4







Wiring on this side is that                                                  Wiring on this side is that

portion of a wiring system                                                 portion of a wiring system

for which the electric power                                              for which the consumer has

supplier has the responsibility                                           the responsibility for

for ownership, operation and                                            ownership, operation and

maintenance, including any                                              maintenance, including any

overhead, underground,                                                     overhead, underground,

inside or outside wiring.                                                      inside or outside wiring.




LICENSE REQUIREMENTS                                           LICENSE REQUIREMENTS


Wiring installations on this                                                                Wiring installations on this

side are exempted from the                                               side are covered by the

North Carolina Electrical                                                   North Carolina Electrical

Contracting Licensing Act.                                                                Contracting Licensing Act

Parties of interest are                                                          and, pursuant to the

referred to the North                                                           provisions of said act,

Carolina Licensing Board                                                  persons, firms or corporations

for General Contractors for                                               installing, maintaining,

applicable licensing                                                             altering or repairing such

requirements.                                                                        wiring are required to

hold an appropriate

license issued by the

State Board of Examiners of

Electrical Contractors.




History Note:        Authority G.S. 87‑39; 87‑42; 87‑43.1(1);

Eff. October 1, 1988;

Pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A, rule is necessary without substantive public interest Eff. February 2, 2016.